Man Claims He Visited Another Planet - He Says: "I Brought Objects From The Planet To Prove It"

Metal not from this planet
Source: YouTube

After being missing for over 3 years, Andrew’s family suddenly starts seeing stories about him appear in the news. He is apparently in Australia, on the other side of the world, claiming that he had been kidnapped by aliens and spent all that time on another planet. And he has proof.

And when his wife finally finds Andrew again, she is shocked by the details in his strange story…

The strange coins
Source: megaflopp /

Everybody was amazed by these strange coins that Andrew was showing off, claiming that he got them from aliens. At first, people thought he was lying and that the coins were fake, just like his kidnapping story. But soon, they would find a lot more compelling evidence that he was actually speaking the truth…

Metal not from this planet
Source: YouTube

For example, the coins were made from a strange metal that had never been encountered on Earth before. After a lot of research, the scientists conducting the investigation regarding his disappearance started to have doubts. What if he had not made it up and his story was true after all?

A crucial detail revealed
fizkes /
Source: fizkes /

However, there was one more piece of crucial information that Andrew kept from the researchers. He only wanted to share it with his wife… And when he was reunited with her and told her the entire truth, she was completely shocked!

But what exactly had happened to Andrew? Where did those coins come from, and what secret did he reveal to his wife?

Missing for 3 years
Source: Zoom Team /

Andrew Long had been missing for nearly three years. He was a loving husband and father, with a very ordinary life. When he suddenly disappeared, many people around him were shocked… They wondered what had happened to him, and it would take them a long time to find out.

No reason to leave
Source: Rocketclips, Inc. /

Andrew never had any enemies, debts, or other things that would make him leave so suddenly, without saying goodbye to his loved ones. He loved his family so much, and he would never leave them behind, no matter what! So, people were convinced that something had happened to him, and he had not left by choice…

Stopping the search
Source: Jasen Wright /

His wife had tried her very best to keep the search for Andrew going for as long as possible, but after 5 months without any leads, the police simply could not justify continuing to look for him. It was costing too much time and resources. They had to assume that Andrew was dead at this point…

Never forgetting Andrew
Source: Maria Markevich /

And for 3 years, that was the reality that Andrew’s family and other loved ones accepted. They tried to move on with their lives the best they could, but they never seemed to fully forget about the man they called husband, father, or friend. And then, one day, those memories instantly got pushed to the front again!

A conspiracy video
Source: Raul_RO_Foto /

Andrews's son, Maliek, was actually the first one to see his father again. But it was not in a place he expected to see him whatsoever. He was just browsing Youtube and was going down a bit of an alien conspiracy hole, watching video after video of people making ridiculous claims.

A story about aliens
Source: Themalni /

And one of these videos completely stopped the young man in his tracks, and not for the reason you think. It came from an Australian “news” channel that was covering the story of a man who claimed to have been kidnapped by aliens and had spent almost 3 years on their planet. 

Strange looking coins
Source: affpixture /

He was also showing very strange-looking coins, which he claimed were currency on the planet he had been living on. The story was very strange, but the reporter did note that he was getting a lot of the scientific facts right. All while he should not know about that at all…

That was Andrew!
Source: Raul_RO_Foto /

But Maliek did not care about what the man was saying at all. He only cared about the man himself as he was 100% sure he was looking at his long-lost father, Andrew! He waisted no second and immediately showed the footage to his mother, Amanda, who couldn't believe her eyes.

He was in Australia?
Source: Bairachnyi Dmitry /

She was just as stunned as her son, as there was no way around it. That was her husband! But what the hell was he doing in Australia after so many years, and why was he telling such a crazy story? Why had he not even bothered to contact them?

Confronting her husband
Source: Jasen Wright /  

Amanda had so many questions, and she knew the only way to find out the truth was to confront her husband directly. She needed to get in contact with Andrew, sooner rather than later. But that would prove a bit more difficult than she had first expected…

Trying to get in contact
Source: /

She tried to get in contact with Andrew through every means of communication she had with him 3 years ago. Social media, phone, email, etc. But he didn't respond anywhere. Then she decided to send a message to the Youtube channel which posted the video; they must know more, right?

Contacting the youtube channel
Source: Monthira /

But here, too, Amanda found nothing but disappointment. Apparently, Andrew had approached them on the street with the story out of nowhere, and they had no contact information from him whatsoever. They literally only knew his name and where they had met him. This wasn't going anywhere...

A location
Source: Mallmo / Shutters

And thus, that location was the only lead Amanda had to go on. The reporter had interviewed Andrew somewhere in Sydney, so Amanda knew that, if she wanted any chance of getting answers, she had to fly out there and look for her husband herself, no matter how crazy it sounded.

The story showed up more
Source: phadpangpang /

Meanwhile, Maliek had actually been looking for more recent videos that might feature his father's story, and he was actually finding a couple of them along with some news articles detailing how crazy it was. It was clear that Andrew was very eager to share his experience with multiple news channels.

Making arrangements
Source: Ela wulansar /

Amanda ended up buying plane tickets for a flight to Sydney in 2 days' time. She made arrangements with her mother that she would watch the kids for the time she would be away, and took 2 weeks of vacation from work to look for her husband in Sydney.

Amanda was confident
Source: Leinad Roman /

She was very confident she would find him in the area where the reporter had encountered Andrew in the first place. By now, Maliek had also contacted all the other publishers of Andrews's story, and they all told a very similar story about the encounter they had with him…

She could not believe it
Source: ainarhamra /

Amanda had read all the interviews as well, and the story just baffled her completely. She had never once heard her husband tell stories about aliens before. He was normally not interested in things like that. He was way too matter-of-fact and serious for strange stories like this one.

What happened in those 3 years?
Source: ainarhamra /

But whatever happened to him in those 3 years time seemed to have completely changed him. And then those coins that he was showing off in every interview... Amanda had to admit they looked incredibly strange and “out of this world.” But they could not really be from aliens, could they?

Mixed reactions
Source: luck luckyfarm /

The reaction to all the videos and written interviews seemed to be very mixed. A lot of people were laughing at Andrew and were sure that he was making everything up, while a good amount of other people believed his every word and were saying this was some of the strongest evidence for aliens in a while.

Going viral
Source: Deb Robinson Photos /

In the short period that the interviews were published, they started to gain a lot of attraction online. People were massively sharing this video about an alien encounter. You could even say that the story was going somewhat viral. And Amanda noticed that as well in her search for Andrew.

People wanted to see Andrew
Source: naKornCreat /

When she finally arrived in Sydney and made her way to the neighborhood where everybody was saying they encountered Andrew, she found that she was not the only person looking for him. Whole groups of alien enthusiasts were in the area, hoping to hear the story straight from Andrews's mouth.

Nobody could find him
Source: oneinchpunch /

But seemingly, nobody had any luck finding Andrew today. They were asking people who lived in the area and showed them pictures of Andrew. And while most people had seen him around here the past couple of weeks, it had apparently been a couple of days since his last sighting…

Getting help
Source: Pitchayarat Chootai /

And this was, of course, a blow to Amanda’s confidence, but with all these people looking for Andrew, she knew he would be found eventually. And so she gave her number to all the alien enthusiasts and asked them if they wanted to call her when they found Andrew. And seeing her situation, they were more than happy to.

Meeting the reporter
Source: fizkes /

In the meantime, Amanda had arranged a meeting with the reporter that first broke the story that Andrew had told him. She wanted to know from him directly how her husband was doing at that time and what he thought about the whole ordeal when he first heard about it.

Andrews's story was different
Source: fizkes /

The reporter explained that he had heard many crazy stories in his time and that he did not believe 95% of what he posted online. But a lot of people did, and this had kept the lights on. But Andrew’s story was a bit different to him. Mainly because he saw how much Andrew himself believed in it.

He truly believed in himself
Source: Viacheslav Boiko /

You could tell by the way he was speaking that there was no doubt in his mind that this all really happened to him. Did the story sound ridiculous? For sure! But maybe there was still more than met the eyes. Andrew had to have done something in the years that he was missing.

Wanting to find him
Source: /

Amanda was surprised to hear that the reporter thought Andrew truly believed the story he was telling. She had expected it to be some kind of act, but maybe she was wrong… There was only one thing she knew for sure, and that was that she wanted to find him.

Mixed feelings
Source: /

As much as she wanted to see him, she was also angry with him. During those years that he had been gone, she was heartbroken. She couldn’t think of any reason why he would just leave her like that, and she assumed that something terrible had happened to him… And now, she found out that he was alive and well – and she couldn’t even reach him!

No contact
Source: /

The last few days had been a rollercoaster of emotions, ever since her son showed her that video. She couldn’t believe that Andrew hadn’t even tried to reach out to her, or anyone else in his family… If his story was real, he surely could have called her after he “returned to Earth." 

Thinking of a plan
Source: /

Amanda was having a hard time believing the whole story, but she decided she didn’t want to focus on that now. The most important thing was to find him, and she would hear all about his experience later. However, she had no idea where to start looking, so she thought of a plan.

Deal with the reporter
Source: luck luckyfarm /

She gave the reporter her contact information and asked him to please keep an eye out for Andrew. They made a deal that he would contact his colleagues, and if he heard that anybody else heard of him, he would contact her immediately. Amanda thanked him and said goodbye – it was time to continue her search now.

Looking for Andrew
Source: oneinchpunch /

She walked around Sydney, searching around places where she would expect to find him. She went to all of the restaurants that served his favorite kinds of food, all the hotels and motels she thought he might be staying in, and she even went to museums about things that interested him. 

Showing his photo
Source: Viacheslav Boiko /

Everywhere she went, she showed a photo of Andrew, hoping that somebody would recognize him and be able to tell her where he was. But sadly, nothing like that happened. Amanda looked for him for days, but nobody she spoke to even had a clue of where he could be.

Had he forgotten about them?
Source: Ground Picture /

She wondered if she would ever see her husband again. Despite her efforts, she still hadn’t been able to get in touch with him… And she noticed that he didn’t mention her, Maliek, or anybody else from their family in a single video or interview. Had he completely forgotten about them?

Taking a break
Source: /

One night, she decided to stay in her hotel room. She was extremely tired, and she had looked for Andrew the whole day already, but now it was time to get some rest. She ordered some pizza, took a shower, and watched some tv before she went to bed. She would continue her search the next day.

Her phone was ringing
Source: MemoriesStocker /

Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. She jumped up and realized that she had fallen asleep on the couch. It was early in the morning, and the sun shone through the curtains. That's when Amanda realized what that loud noise was; it was her phone! Someone was calling her.

An unknown number
Source: Lyubov  /

When she looked at the screen and saw the caller ID, she didn’t recognize the number. Usually, she didn’t pick up when an unknown number called her cell, but now it could have something to do with Andrew… So she picked up the phone and said, “Hello, who is this?”

It was the reporter
Source: Bacho /

She was surprised when she heard who was speaking on the other side of the call, but she was also relieved. It was the reporter who she had spoken to just a few days ago! He had to have some news; otherwise, he wouldn’t call her. Would he tell her where to find Andrew?