Woman Takes "Kitten" To Groomer - Groomer Burst Into Tears After Seeing It's Not A Kitten


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A woman called Sarah brought a furry creature to a pet groomer. She told the groomer, called James, that it was a cat and needed to be groomed. James, not suspecting anything, took the creature and began to groom it. As he was cutting the creature's fur, he was shocked to discover that it was not a cat at all.

The groomer turned pale and asked the woman: Is this what I think it is?

Growing suspicious
Shutterstock.com/SB Arts Media
Source: Shutterstock.com/SB Arts Media

As James brushed the cat’s hair, he began to grow suspicious. There were some characteristics of this creature that didn’t line up with the characteristics of a cat. But he pushed his thoughts aside and continued grooming. Or at least, he tried. Because something caught his eye that he couldn't ignore.

Something was up
Shutterstock.com/SB Arts Media
Source: Shutterstock.com/SB Arts Media

As he groomed the cat, the thought of it not being a cat grew more and more in the back of his mind. So, the groomer decided to ask Sarah a few standard questions everyone with a cat should know. But when Sarah failed to answer the questions correctly, he knew something was up. 

A shocking answer
Source: Shutterstock.com/fizkes

Suddenly, the energy in the room shifted, and Sarah began to look very nervous. She could probably sense the groomer's suspicion. So, the groomer asked her one final question, “Where did you find this creature?” But Sarah’s answer shocked him. 

But what did Sarah bring to the groomer? And where did she find the creature?

A forest nearby
Shutterstock.com/Irene Fox
Source: Shutterstock.com/Irene Fox

Sarah had always loved exploring the forest that surrounded her small village. She had lived there her entire life and knew every inch of the dense, tangled wilderness like the back of her hand, but today she decided to take a new route that would lead to her discovery of the "cat."

Always on the lookout
Source: Shutterstock.com/Bodnar.photo

Despite her extensive knowledge of the forest, Sarah was always on the lookout for new and interesting creatures to discover. She had a particular love for wild animals, and she spent much of her free time studying them and learning about their habits and behaviors. But nothing could have prepared her for what she would find today.

Interesting cave
Shutterstock.com/Piotr Kreslak
Source: Shutterstock.com/Piotr Kreslak

After walking this new route, Sarah came across a small cave hidden among the trees. It was a place she had never noticed before, and it seemed to call out to her with a sense of mystery and adventure. She simply had this odd feeling that she should check inside it, so she did.

Entering the cave
Shutterstock.com/ON-Photography Germany
Source: Shutterstock.com/ON-Photography Germany

Without hesitation, Sarah made her way into the cave, her curiosity piqued by the unknown. The cave was dark and cold, but that didn't matter. She had always loved to explore and discover new things, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. She was just moments away when she encountered something very unusual...

Further into the cave
Shutterstock.com/maradon 333
Source: Shutterstock.com/maradon 333

As Sarah made her way deeper into the cave, she began to feel a sense of unease wash over her. The air was cool and musty, and the darkness seemed to press in on her from all sides. But despite her growing sense of dread, Sarah refused to turn back. She was determined to see what lay at the heart of the cave.

Big chamber in the cave
Shutterstock.com/Alex Marakhovets
Source: Shutterstock.com/Alex Marakhovets

As she pushed on, Sarah finally reached a large chamber at the cave's center. She was quite overwhelmed by the idea that this cave would be this big. She had never been into a cave like this, which impressed her. But not much later, this feeling would turn into fear...

And then it happened...
Shutterstock.com/Take Photo
Source: Shutterstock.com/Take Photo

When Sarah walked further, she suddenly stumbled upon this strange and peculiar-looking animal and was immediately intrigued. The creature had a long, snout-like nose, a shaggy fur coat, and large, floppy ears that seemed to flop in every direction. It was unlike any animal Sarah had ever seen, and she knew that she had to get a closer look.